Territorial cooperation
In the framework of EU funded projects, decentralised cooperation or twinning agreements, we support territories in developing international cooperation to accelerate the implementation of sustainable and resilient food systems throughout the world.
Let's Food Cities
The Let's Food Cities project (2018-2021) aimed to encourage cooperation between 14 territories in France and around the world: faced with similar problems (land artificialisation, rampant obesity, resource pollution, etc.), what initiatives and examples can be shared that territories can learn from?
The territorial approach to food is still very poorly developed in the world, yet it is a question of the ability of societies to live on their territory with limited resources.
International cooperation is still not very involved in these issues, despite the urgent need to help each other.
The COOPALIM project (2020-2022), in partnership with Terres en Villes and the UNESCO World Food Chair, aims to encourage local authorities to develop new international cooperation with territories abroad in order to develop food resilience for all!
Phase 1: Build video modules for French local authorities wishing to cooperate with foreign territories on sustainable food projects (December 2022)
Phase 2: Consolidate the cooperation projects between Montpellier and Fez (via the establishment of a farmers' market!) and between Grenoble and Sfax (ongoing)
Part 3: Reflect on new food and solidarity cooperation with the cities of Lorient Agglomeration and Toulouse Métropole!
Province of Sefrou & Department of Ille-et-Vilaine
The cooperation between the Department of Ille-et-Vilaine and the Province of Sefrou in Morocco aims at socio-economic development and the development of sustainable agricultural sectors.
In partnership with the Xylm association, Let's Food provides a cross-training session on sustainable food issues to local elected officials.
In response to a political request from the Province of Sefrou, Let's Food and Xylm are carrying out an opportunity study for the development of agro-ecological value chains on the territory.
Sustainable and solidarity food initiatives in mediterranean cities
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts towards the elimination of hunger in the world.
The FAO commissioned Let's Food to produce un census of sustainable and solidarity food initiatives carried out by public, private and associative actors within mediterranean cities.
This project aims to identify the actors and forces present to be supported as well as the exchange of good practices to be developed to encourage the building of sustainable food systems.
5 technical webinars: Building sustainable urban food systems in the Mediterranean
There is still little information on public policies and local initiatives in favor of sustainable food systems in Mediterranean cities. Furthermore, the latter are or will face similar challenges with regard to their food systems. Let's Food organized 5 thematic webinars, in order to create spaces for discussion, disseminate good practices and encourage the exchange of experiences between Mediterranean local authorities:
Get trained to build urban food policies.
Raising children's awareness about sustainable food.
Fight against food waste.
Producing quality local food.
Developing market opportunities for local producers.
The replays of the webinars are available on our YouTube channel ! (3 versions available : French, English and Arabic).
An initiative led and financed by Let's Food, in collaboration with :