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  MOOC - Online training modules:
Building sustainable food systems in French overseas territories.

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After having supported several territories of the DROM-COM in the transformation of their food systems, Let's Food has identified the training of local decision-makers, community agents, facilitators of Territorial Food Projects (PAT), as well as other stakeholders and the general public, as a crucial step in successfully completing this transition.

In response to this need, the Let's Food association has developed an online training module (MOOC) for six overseas territories: Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia and Reunion.


This MOOC, co-constructed with local stakeholders and experts, aims to:


Strengthening the skills of elected officials and communities,

in particular those carrying out territorial food projects (PAT);



Raise awareness and strengthen the skills of private actors,

associations and public involved in the food system;



Centralize existing studies and data

on the food system through a unique, accessible and autonomous tool;



Promote the networking of local stakeholders and promote local initiatives to encourage synergies, cooperation and the development of actions;



To showcase relevant external ideas and initiatives

facing local food challenges;



Strengthening cooperation between communities

PAT carriers through the co-construction of this tool.


Promote and communicate your participation and success in the MOOC by uploading your

Consumer-actor Diploma ”!

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